March is Endometriosis Awareness Month. Author and endometriosis patient Samantha Bowick has written articles revolving around important questions and information about endometriosis. Her new book Living with Endometriosis: The Complete Guide to Risk Factors, Symptoms, and Treatment Options is out...

How is it that the Italians stay healthier and live longer with all that delicious food and tasty wine—la Dolce Vita? That’s the Italian secret—their classic Mediterranean diet, now described and modernized in The Mamma Mia! Diet, a complete Italian...

Tabata lets individuals push their body to their physical limits—getting the results they want while avoiding stress-based injuries and unwanted setbacks. Requiring little to no equipment, Tabata is as affordable as it is effective. The Tabata Workout Handbook lets anyone...

Bell, Gallant, Pike, Legion 8, Jenny. These are the names of workouts created as a tribute to men and women who lost their lives in service to their country. The Hero Workouts presents a collection of these honorific workouts dedicated...

Swimming is a great workout for your body. It works your lungs, heart and muscles. It is impact-free, great for injury recovery, and has a meditative benefit to boot. That said, the routine of swimming laps can be monotonous and...

These mobility exercises are best done as a warm up to your lower body workouts. They will prime the body for better performance by jump starting the correct muscles. These exercise will also keep you injury free and allow you...

The Big Toe and Your Health by William Smith, MS, NSCA, CSCS, MEPD Do you ever run, walk, navigate stairs, squat, lunge or jump? Chances are you perform some if not all of these movement daily. Involved in everyone is...

Core Strength: Top 5 Mobility Moves for Golfers by Michael Volkmar, MS, CSCS, PES, CPT Summer is here. The Golf Clubs are out. You vowed this summer to drop 3-5 strokes off your handicap. I can help by getting more...

Core Strength: 3 New Moves You Have Never Tried by Michael Volkmar, MS, CSCS, PES, CPT Add these exercises into your workout 2-3 days a week before your lift or run. Think of me the next morning when it hurts...

Sign Up for Your First Obstacle Race! by Mike Volkmar, MS, CSCS, PES and Matt Carroll, USAW LVL 1, AFAA CPT The rise in popularity of obstacle races is undeniable. The obstacle course race (OCR) community is growing every day...

5 Best Exercises for Knee Health by Mike Volkmar, MS, CSCS, PES, CPT Knee pain be the most frustrating injury to have. It affects your daily activities. It can take months to go away. Of course it is best to...

3 Best Exercises for Shoulder Health by Mike Volkmar, MS, CSCS, PES, CPT The shoulder is a very common joint to have pain. The majority of exercisers experience pain in the front or on top of the shoulder joint. This...

We all want to train hard, but do you put equal effort into your recovery? Most people do not and that is why injuries are on the rise. Doing a simple Google search for overuse injuries will give you an...