Getting consistent exercise is an integral part of living a healthy lifestyle. Right now though, some people are hesitant to return to the gym due to the Omicron variant. While others are having trouble making time to go to the...

Wintertime is tricky for athletes. In most of the world it’s cold, dark, wet and slushy, but above all, there are tons of bacteria flying around and looking to bring someone down. How to avoid getting sick in winter is...

Whether holidays, vacation, or other life/schedule interruptions and temptations, even as a fitness pro, I need to stay on track just like you and everybody else. Let me share with you the 3 things I keep in mind to do...

For athletes, fitness enthusiasts and weekend warriors, so much time and attention goes into developing a workout regimen. Unfortunately, we don’t always put that same level of effort into the opposite side: recovery. To grow our bodies stronger and more...

What is it that you’re looking to achieve? Do you want to reach your personal peak without burning out? Do you want to be a better leader? Are you looking for more fulfillment? Are you thinking about how you can...

You have probably heard about quinoa and it’s superfood-like health benefits, but perhaps haven’t gotten around to figuring out how to prepare it or maybe skipped past it down the health food aisle in the grocery store. There are many...

When you are training hard and focusing on your goals, it is often possible to overlook a key link in the athletic performance chain. That link is recovery. Recovery means returning to a normal place of health, mind and strength....

Something that might not be foremost in your mind when it comes to optimal mental health, physical health and performance is sleep. According to the CDC, adults need 7 or more hours of sleep per night for their best health...

Summer is the best time to go outside for a workout. The days are longer and the sky is brighter. As an outdoor endurance athlete, I love getting my workout in outside. Here are three fun ways to cross train...

It is summertime and thankfully we are starting to see the light at the end of the pandemic tunnel, and can safely celebrate the season of picnic parties with friends and family. Before you head out and stock up on...

Waterx, or Water Exercise, incorporates weights and weightlifting moves in the water. This mode of strength training gives you added resistance from the water, working your muscles in new ways than solely lifting weights on land, in addition to high...

The transition from high school or college to the real world is one of the most exciting times in a person’s life, but it can prove to be overwhelming. We receive a good solid foundation from our school educations to...

As we head to the end of the school year, many start thinking about planning a family vacation. Our family loves to travel, and we have always taken a collection of younger relatives and friends along with us. Here are...