Swimming is a great workout for your body. It works your lungs, heart and muscles. It is impact-free, great for injury recovery, and has a meditative benefit to boot. That said, the routine of swimming laps can be monotonous and...

One of the most common ‘weekend warrior’ injuries seen by medical doctors is the ankle sprain. Most frequently the ankle is injured during running or jumping activities in which the foot rolls or twists after stepping on an uneven surface.These...

These mobility exercises are best done as a warm up to your lower body workouts. They will prime the body for better performance by jump starting the correct muscles. These exercise will also keep you injury free and allow you...

9 Steps to Building MAX SPEED by Michael Volkmar, MS, CSCS, PES, CPT Every athlete at every level wants to build MAX SPEED. Here are the 9 steps high school to pro athletes take to build game breaking speed! 1...

Healthy Baseline: Get a Baseline and Get Moving by William Smith, MS, NSCA, CSCS, MEPD Often clients will ask how much physical activity is recommended to maintain and improve health? My response is essentially the same. There are two key...

Recently I came across an article titled ‘Graying of America’ in the New York Times. The article indicates that, “by 2050, 83.7 million Americans will be 65 or older, compared with 43.1 million in 2012, the report said. Fewer than...

Shoveling Wisely, Save Your Back by William Smith, MS, NSCA, CSCS, MEPD Living in the Northeast we expect a certain level of snow, thus the dreaded shoveling and possibility of days of back pain and muscle soreness thereafter. This past...

Self-Assessment in the New Year by William Smith, MS, NSCA, CSCS, MEPD This past week I was bending over to pick up my 1 year old son and as I was doing this my back tightened up. Nothing unusual about...
Holidays Winter Workout by Hugo Rivera, BSCE, CFT, SPN Last week, I gave you 10 tips for gaining muscle during the holidays. The 10th tip was to try out my special Holidays Winter Workout Routine which I've outlined below. While...

Build Speed and Agility - New Fitness Testing in Military and Police by Stew Smith A few of the events in the Tactical Fitness Test highlighted in my new book Tactical Fitness include sprints, shuttle runs, and agility tests. More...

The holidays are here. They are a time of joy and happiness. It is, however, during this time that most people tend to forget about their workouts and diets. If you think you might veer away from your health goals...

Now that summer has arrived, it’s the perfect time to begin a new workout plan or to boost the workouts that you’ve already been doing. Fitness professional, kettlebell expert and author Roger Hall has these tips to make your workouts...

The Navy SEAL Weight Training Workout is an exciting new exercise program from former Navy SEAL and bestselling author Stewart “Stew” Smith. Stew Smith, author of The Complete Guide to Navy SEAL Fitness, now presents a new workout plan designed...