Does Water Affect Weight? by Stew Smith Most people do not drink enough water in a day PERIOD. The Mayo Clinic states, "Water is your body's principal chemical component, making up, on average, 60 percent of your body weight. Every...
WATCH this video to learn an isolation exercise called the flat dumbbell fly to develop your chest muscles from the authors of The Body Sculpting Bible for Men and The Body Sculpting Bible for Women, Hugo Rivera and James Villepigue....
Yoga offers meditation and controlled breathing techniques that can be used effectively to manage the pain, relax your mind and body, and refocus your thoughts. Meditating for only a few minutes each day can help. Here are some quick...
Swiss Ball Moves for a Strong Core and Killer Abs by Jo Brielyn If you have ever used a Swiss ball to perform crunches or other simple moves, you have no doubt noticed the difference in how your muscles are...
The breakfast fruit wrap recipe listed below is from Combat Fat for Kids' Kid Creation section. Older kids can make it by themselves or parents can make it with younger ones! Combat Fat for Kids is the ultimate guide to...
If diet pills and “special” weight loss supplements worked, there would be fewer overweight people in America. Weight loss pills and diets for that matter are both ineffective and potentially harmful; long-term health-oriented programs should replace them. The weight loss...
Summer is in full bloom. The grass is green, the air is crisp and nature is calling. Take advantage of the beautiful weather and spend some time outdoors and let the sunshine bathing your skin (But please don't forget to...
WATCH this video to learn how to properly do a dumbbell bent-over row to strengthen and define your back muscles from the authors of The Body Sculpting Bible for Men and The Body Sculpting Bible for Women, Hugo Rivera and...