When you think tacos, you don't really think dessert, but that just goes to show you the versatility of this delicious food. Not only can you find savory taco recipes in Taco! Taco! Taco! by Sara Haas, but plenty of...
Making vegetable wraps is a great quick and delicious meal idea. And with WrawPs, it's even easier to get all-natural nutrients from fruits and vegetables. Try out the recipe below as featured in The Vegan Challenge, a fun and easy...
Panzanella is a cold salad, full of summer flavors. It originated in Florence and had conquered all of Tuscany by the beginning of the nineteenth century. It is a rustic dish with a peasant birthright. In the past panzanella was...
In summer, when the weather starts getting warmer I like investing more time making salads rather than cooking. This buckwheat salad is by far my favorite. This is a fast, tasty and healthy dish. Buckwheat, typical of Valtellina (in the...
This tasty and colorful salad is prepared with different Mediterranean vegetables that recall the beautiful summer sun. It can be served as a main course on a hot day when we appreciate a light and refreshing meal. The Mamma Mia!...
Dirty Vegan by Catherine Gill is the all-in-one vegan-style cookbook that makes eating vegan fun! Dirty Vegan lets you prepare delicious vegan cuisine that anyone and everyone can enjoy, and showcases the sheer variety of amazing recipes you can create,...
Providing healthy, vegan alternatives to the sorts of delicious comfort foods that everyone craves, Dirty Vegan by Catherine Gill makes it easier than ever to live the vegan lifestyle. Self-styled as "vegan junk food"--healthy vegan food that doesn't skimp on...
Tacos are versatile, easy to make, and everyone loves them! Our brand new cookbook Taco! Taco! Taco! by Sara Haas contains so many delicious recipes and we're sharing two of them with you today! Just in time for your summer...
Do you love tacos? Who doesn't? New cookbook Taco! Taco! Taco! by Sara Haas features 100 taco recipes, each providing delicious and fun ideas for your next meal, including the one below for Cumin Chickpea Tacos. Enjoy! Beans are the...
In just this one recipe from The Mamma Mia! Diet, you can combine all the health benefits of a wide variety of foods. Chicken breast is a very lean meat, rich in protein, that helps you get the best fitness...